Story: Week 3: Cersei's Share

Cersei's Share 

Cersei, Tyrion and Jamie Lannister were working together as brother and sisters to determine who got what of their father, Tywin Lannister's, estate. Their father's death was sudden and unexpected, so there was no will left behind nor is his wife in the picture any longer. So the siblings would divide it amongst themselves. He left behind expensive, handmade clothing, gold, an army, a castle, his title and authority and most importantly his Lightbringer, the sword of Azor Aha. This sword the most powerful sword in all the lands, it can kill a person and even a dragon. 

Cersei divided Tywin's estate into four parts. "The first part is mine," she said "because I am the Queen. The second part goes to me as I am the oldest. Next, I will take the third part for myself because I was his favorite child. Finally you two may divide the fourth part as you please." 

The forth part included nothing but his favorite coat he wore during the long winter. 

That is how Cersei was: she pretended to share but in the end, she will take everything for herself. 

Tyrion and Jamie looked at each other in awe, although they should not have been surprised as this was how she acted their whole lives. They had hoped it would be different this time now, as it now involved their father's death. But instead she stood her ground, using her crown to do as she pleased. 

Tyrion and Jamie begged Cersei to spilt their father's estate evenly three ways, but she refused. Once again she resided, "I am the Queen, I am the oldest, and I was father's favorite child." 

Jamie accepted as Tyrion silently filed with anger against his sister, he was disgusted at his sister selfishness once again, this was not the first time nor would it be the last. 

Author's Note

I started with the original story of 'The Lion's Share'. I decided to keep the core content of the story; the lion and friends worked together to kill a stag, the lion divided it into four pieces and keeping three of the four for himself. I used the characters from Game of Thrones, using Cersei as the Lion who would not evenly share her father's estate with her other two brothers. 


The Lion's Share

Laura Gibbs - Inspired by: Mille Fabulae et Una


  1. I really liked how you related this to Game of Thrones because I am a huge fan of that series and have watched it from start to finish. I think it really relates well because Cersei really is greedy and only cares about herself consistently and you definitely made that evident in this story as well. I really liked how you told that Cersei got all the things left for herself but I think it could have been interesting to see what she ended up doing with all the things she got. Also what if you went on to say what Tyrion ended up doing with his sister greediness and how he dealt with it. I also think it could be an interesting concept to see Jamie turn against his sister because he is usually loyal to her, so maybe seeing a role change in that aspect could be a super interesting twist in the story.

  2. Nicole, using Game of Thrones as a centerpiece for this story was incredibly clever, especially by using the Lannister's as the characters. It makes sense since their sigil is a lion, but nevertheless I think that the show's characters fit the original story's characters personalities. That said, I'll have to side with Sophie in that it would be cool to see what Cersei ends up doing with her shares. However, if you're up for it, I think that it would be cool to see what Jamie and Tyrion do as a result, especially if you're taking their personality/actions from the show into consideration for continuing this story. Maybe even going into more depth with Cersei as a character and giving a type of background as to why she's selfish, and refuses to cooperate/share with her brothers. This last suggestion kind of makes sense for those who might not have seen Game of Thrones, so it'd just be a little background into it. Still, your story was creative and I enjoyed reading a melding of genres/characters!

  3. Hey Nicole!

    You grabbed my attention right off the bat with the Game of Thrones references. I am a huge fan of the show and think it is great how you integrated them into this story. I have not read the original story of which you used as the base for this one, but I feel like I need to now. I like how you kept Cersei's character the same and how selfish she is. I wonder how Tywin died? And why so sudden? What if you went more in detail about how he died so that it gives a little more substance to the beginning of the story and helps the reader better understand what is happening. I think doing this would provide more clarity and give the story more volume! Overall I loved your take on this story, great job!



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