Week 8: Reading and Writing

 Week 8: Reading and Writing

Overall, how well are the reading and writing assignments working for you? They're okay. Not my strong suit. 

Are you happy with your blog? With your project website? If I'm being honest, I'm notthrilled and could use more work... 

Are you satisfied with how the writing is going for your project? How about your story posts? Yes. Love my GOT theme. I have gotten a lot of great feedback from other students

What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment(s) in your writing for this class? Creating stories

What has been your favorite reading so far? I like stories that have wit, so my favorite so far would have to be Anansi and the Tiger's Mango-Tree

Are your reading notes helping you each week with your story post? Yes! This helps me get going brainstorming on what to write about. 

Moving forward: I am trying so hard to stay on top of my assignments but it's very easy to get behind. This semester has been the busiest i've ever had in my whole college career. Sitting at a computer all day, then having to sit some more and read and write is hard! But i need to push through and get ahead so i don't feel that i am always behind. 

Walter Crane Illustration 

I choose this image because I love peacocks, I think it is a beautiful picture. 


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