Ramsey Bolton and Theon Greyjoy Everyday, Ramsey demanded his prisoner, Theon Greyjoy, go across the bridge and fetch dinner for Ramsey and his hound dogs. For over two years since his capture by the psychotic, bastard son, Ramsey Bolton, Theon had been beaten, abused and brainwashed to answer to the name of "Reek." After two years, Theon had enough, he had to find a way to get back home to his family, the Iron Islands. He put a plan together to lure Ramsey to a place no one would be able to hear him scream or come looking for him after Theon's plan was executed. Once day, Theon finally gained the courage, he took his sweet time to get across the bridge. When he returned, Ramsey shouted "Reek, why are you late?" "I am sorry my lord," nervously said Theon. "I saw ghost of Robb Stark and I was frightened." "Show me!" Ramsey commanded. "My hounds will follow as protection." Theon took Ramsey and his hounds across the b...